Harry Potter and The Cursed Child

First of all I will say that there is will be a lot of me just going oh my gosh this was so amazing and I was very lucky to go see the actual play in the Palace Theatre with all of the gorgeous people who were playing these amazing characters.

Also a key point as the queen of Harry Potter (AKA J.K.Rowling) has asked us personally (through a public video on youtube!!!) to #KEEPTHESECRET I am now giving you a spoiler alert.

*INSERT ALARMS******** SPOILER ALERT IF YOU READ ON IT IS YOUR OWN DOING AND IS NOT MY FAULT**************************************************************************

As that is out the way I will carry on.

Here is a pretty picture of the gorgeous outside of the theatre. Myself and my friend Phoenix (yes that is her real name and the man whom we collected the tickets from didn’t believe it!!!!) geeked out so much.


So I am going to try my best to not just say it was amazing and actually simply tell you my favourite parts, favourite quotes and share some fabby photos and some other bits and bobs. Please be aware that I was seriously geeking out the whole day and I am again reliving that geeking out…. which is amazing.

I had pre-ordered the script but had not read it because I wanted it to be a surprise and I’m really happy to say that was the right decision (I have now read the book and understand why people whom have not seen the play in person have been slightly disappointed but honestly it was an amazing story, performance and a great chapter to the Harry Potter Story).

We had signed up for priority booking for the tickets so we have been waiting for a year. A YEAR!!! For this and were very excited when it finally came around. In the morning we collected tickets (which are beautiful by the way).


We then had a painstakenly 2 and half hours to wait. AGGHHHHHHHHHHHH

We went to costa where I had some coffee which was a bad mistake because I was buzzing even more. We were organised and had booked a table at chiquitos for in between Part One and Two so we could actually eat food because I was not going to mcdonalds (just NO!).

We had found out that just behind the Theatre there was a shop called the House of Mina Lima where the designers of all of the different props, posters and books for the films had given to the shop to display. It was free and if you are in London any time soon I would definitely go and see it.




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It was amazing to see all of the work that only two people had done.


We walked through the different rooms and then headed to queue to get into the theatre.

We were very early. We were the second group of people in the line and it was awesome. When we walked in I got a programme and we found our seats which were very high up and very steep but you could see the whole stage at one glance.

I was extremely excited…… extremely excited.

Finally after what felt like an eternity of waiting the show started.

Now I had pre-ordered the script but had not read it so I had no spoilers and I had been avoiding any articles about The Cursed Child just in case.

I enjoyed it so much. I loved it. I was completely overwhelmed by the story that I could have watched both parts without any breaks and it would have felt as if I had been sitting there for seconds.

I fell in love the characters new and old. I felt pity for Albus and enjoyed Scorpius’ many wity lines.

I enjoyed being taken back in time to moments I know well from the books and the films. I loved the story and gasped and giggled alongside the rest of the audience.

I found it amazing that everyone in that room understood all of the reference and laughed at the same moments. It was great.

I was shocked by finding out who Delphi was and the changes that happened every time Albus and Scorpius travelled back and forth through time. One of the most amazing parts that I thought was quite an epic way to encapture the audience with the story. During the Dementor scenes there was one that flew out at the audience. Also when the Dementors were on stage there was a high pitched screaming noise that added another element of evilness to them which I adored.

One of my favourite parts was when Albus and Scorpius are in Godric Hollow, and it doesn’t say this in the script their reaction, they figure out that Bathilda Bagshot lives and Scorpius basically hyperventilates. But later on when they are in need of some equipment and Scorpius says “Rumour has it Bathilida Bagshot never saw the point in witches and wizards locking their doors” when they swing open the door both Albus and Scorpius fangirl and it was the best reaction ever. Oh I loved it!!!!

After seeing this fabulously nerdy play I was very sad to leave. On the very tube back to hotel I was chatting to Phoenix about our favourite parts and when we arrived back to the Hotel I turned to her and said I want to go see it again!!!!!!

If someone offered me a chance to go see it again I would in a heartbeat.

The day after the play felt strange because we didn’t have a plan or a tight schedule. We did a bit of sightseeing and dropped our bags off at kings Cross left luggage where we saw platform 9 3/4 but did not feel like queueing the extremely long line.


With the very short few hours we had left in London we went and saw Big Ben and the London Eye.


For my lunch I had a delicious waffle with chocolate sauce and then we headed to the airport.

The next day was quite an anti climax because we had school and it really didn’t feel like we had been to London or that we had went to see The Cursed Child.

The night I came home I read the script in a day and now have sticky notes marking my favourite quotes.

I have to say I do understand why people who haven’t seen the play on stage and have just read the script found it disappointing. From the perspective of someone who has seen it on stage, the script doesn’t explain all of the reactions of the cast or the tone of which the lines are said and when all that there is written is that they transform through the polyjuice potion and nothing else when you read it, it feels like an anti-climax. But I assure it is amazing on stage, there is nothing better that being surrounded by a bunch of excitable nerds who have been waiting a year to see this and it was totally worth the wait!!!



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