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Student Life: Room Tour

I moved into University Halls about 2 weeks ago and I am really enjoying it. My flatmates are lovely and I’m getting my daily steps in easily with the handy 5 flights of stairs that lead up to my flat. So if you didn’t know I am just going into my first year at Stirling University studying Film and Media alongside some English. It is really interesting so far which is good but I have a feeling all of the assignments and work is going to just flood in. Before I came to University I would always try to watch as many University tips and tricks, guides to freshers week, essentials to take to University and room tours as I could. I’m a researcher so if I want to know what I’m doing or how to handle a situation then I research. However I found that the majority of the room tours are of these brank spanking new buildings that are probably only a few years old. However as I would like to be able to eat properly during my first year and the duration of my degree so I chose one of the cheaper and older accommodations. The room is smaller than my one at home and I need to keep it tidy or I am unable to move or find anything(which is a good thing.). I have everything I need, apart from the few things that I have realised that are handy for university that I have left at home. As I am studying film I am trying to make more creative videos on this blog however it will be balanced out with just written posts. So here is my room tour:

Hope you enjoyed that – I do sound like a man because I forgot to record the voice over before I got a cold so now I have this lovely video to look back at to see what I sounded like with Freshers Flu!! If there is any other Student Life themed posts you would like to see then please give me a little comment below. I promise it’s not going to be only Student themed posts but everyone second post will be!!! To keep up to date with what I’m up to and to see some behind the scenes or sneak peeks on posts then why not follow my twitter! Also I’ve been trying to be a bit more creative on my Instagram so if you like some of the photos that are on this side on the blog —–> then why not follow my Insta!!!

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